One of you recently shared a list of feelings and action words that you hoped to hear on this album (thank you for that). From that list, I chose "determination" as my inspiration for today's music.
This track also became a response to Day 12 (the proposed opening of the album); sort of a mirror image of that track. It uses the same palette of sounds, but it feels more like nighttime to me (whereas Day 12 sounds like early morning). While the progression of Day 12 was ascending, the progression of Day 24 is descending. They both sound like "driving music" to me.
This track feels like the opening of the second half of the album, bringing us into the more subdued mood of Day 23 and Day 10.
As for where this track wants to go next, I've been toying with the idea of a surprise transition, like entering a tunnel. The other night I was having fun with my Moog, and created this track as an homage to Richard Wright (Pink Floyd) and his track "On The Run" from "Dark Side of the Moon".
While this mix doesn't quite work within the context of Day 24, I feel like it can be re-worked to function as a middle section.
What do you think? Too weird? Or just weird enough?
This track reminds me of Day 12. And thus it did not work well for me for the following reason: Day12 is so engrossing, captivating and exciting that all I could think of was how Day 24 was not as good as Day 12. So that is too bad for me. But that was my reaction. I had the feeling of driving in the southwestern desert on those roads that stretch out forever. Again, this is just my initial reaction. Many times with music I get more and more excited about a song or track after I listen to it many times and start to “get it”.
Yes, the second "side" of the album starts here...just add a needle drop effect :-)
Much more structured and song-ish than the earlier, more atmospheric pieces. My biology happily takes to the rhythm as is rewarded with foot-tapping propulsion. Let's Goooo!
Both are great! Not too weird!!!